In part 1, I took the SVGOMG pwa, and released it to the Play Store. Exciting, but not very useful. In this post, I am going to take a different PWA, and release it.

I chose the Polymer Project PWA Starter Kit. I also needed a place to deploy it. The starter kit docs had a page titled Building and deploying, and a section for static hosting. It listed 3 options, App Engine, Firebase Hosting, and Netlify. As I had never used Netlify before, I decided to try it.

First, I forked the PWA Starter Kit repo. Next, I signed up for Netlify, and followed the instructions. Now we have a PWA deployed here:

As the next step, I needed to create the Digital Asset Links. To do that, I need my signing certificate fingerprint. After a little searching, I found it in the Play Store console.

Ok, so back to Android Studio. I cloned svgomg-twa again, and edited app/build.gradle, and changed:

  • org.chromium.twa.svgomg to blog.frustraded.pwa.starterkit.
  • to (4 places)
  • SVGOMG TWA to PWA StarterKit

I built the bundle, then went to the Play Store console, and created a new application. After setting everything up like I did in part 1, I clicked App signing, and there is the list of certificate fingerprints.

I grabbed a copy of assetlinks.json from the svgomg pwa

  "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls"],
  "target": {
    "namespace": "android_app",
    "package_name": "org.chromium.twa.svgomg",
    "sha256_cert_fingerprints": ["82:04:C5:DB:19:A8:B9:8A:27:14:F0:3E:F5:23:2C:6B:B6:B9:63:10:F2:F9:CD:44:72:AA:C6:7E:09:E1:1C:47",

I changed the package_name to blog.frustraded.pwa.starterkit, and copied the SHA256 fingerprint from the Play Store.

  "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls"],
  "target": {
    "namespace": "android_app",
    "package_name": "blog.frustraded.pwa.starterkit",

The last trick was to get polymer build to copy the assetlinks.json file. This turned out to be easy. First, I made a directory called .well-known and saved assetlinks there. Then I edited polymer.json, and added ".well-known/assetlinks.json" to extraDependencies.

After I pushed my changes, Netlify built and published them. Then I went to the Play Store console, and rolled out the app. Then I waited. After about half an hour, I got an opt-in link, and was able to join the internal test. Just like before, I was able to install the app on my phone! Sweet!

Next, I plan to build a real PWA, and release it. Stay tuned!