About a month ago, GitHub made GitHub Actions generally available. Earlier in the year, they also made the GitHub Package Repositry generally available. This was the exact combination that I needed for a couple personal projects, so I immediately migrated my builds from CircleCI.

There are a ton of blog posts and tutorials about setting up this kind of stuff, so after a couple days experimenting and googleing, here is my ci.yml:

name: Build, Tag, and Publish Docker image
  REGISTRY: docker.pkg.github.com
  IMAGE: auth

      - master

    name: Build, Tag, and Publish Docker image
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - name: Generate VERSION
        run: echo "::set-env name=VERSION::$(git describe --tags --always --dirty)"
      - name: Build IMAGE
        run: docker build -t ${IMAGE} .
      - name: Tag IMAGE:VERSION and IMAGE:latest
        run: |
          docker tag ${IMAGE} ${REGISTRY}/$/${IMAGE}:${VERSION}
          docker tag ${IMAGE} ${REGISTRY}/$/${IMAGE}:latest
      - name: Login to Registry
        run: echo $ | docker login ${REGISTRY} -u $ --password-stdin
      - name: Publish IMAGE:VERSION and IMAGE:latest
        run: |
          docker push ${REGISTRY}/$/${IMAGE}:${VERSION}
          docker push ${REGISTRY}/$/${IMAGE}:latest

Now, every time I push to master, the code is checked out, a docker image is created, and saved to the Package Repository.